Wusstest du, dass es rund 20.000 Studiengänge gibt? Das ist eine ganze Menge und bevor du dich jetzt auf die Suche nach dem „Richtigen“ machst, hab bitte im Hinterkopf, dass es bei ca. der Hälfte aller Studiengänge einen Numerus clausus (kurz: NC) gibt. Man könnte sagen, das ist so eine Art VIP-Eintritt für very intelligent persons. Warum das so ist? Es gibt weniger Studienplätze als Leute, die Bock drauf haben.
M.A. Business Management (englisch)
an der Hochschule der Wirtschaft für Management
Oskar-Meixner-Straße 4-6, 68163 Mannheim, Baden-Württemberg If you are heading for an international career, the Master Business Management in English is the ideal master's in international management. With the special focus on international management, it enables you to build on the knowledge gained during your undergraduate studies and complements it with management tools and theories for an international setting. Combined with a high practical orientation, you will be able to manage international businesses of all sizes and business areas.
zum Studiengang
To align your master’s in international management with your strengths and interests, you can choose between three different majors in your final semester:
- IT Management
- People & Culture
- International Sales Management
In the four-semester version of the Master's program with a specialization in Digital Leadership, you will further expand your career options. You will strengthen your analytical skills, combine practice and studies and focus on the topics of digitization and transformation. You have two specialisations:
- IT Management & People & Culture
- IT Management & International Sales Management
The Master’s in Business Management is also offered in German.
Before joining the master programme in international management, you must have completed a bachelor’s degree. If your bachelor’s degree gained you the equivalent of 210 ECTS of which at least 30 were business studies related, then you can directly join the master’s in international management and finish your studies in only 3 semesters.
With 180 ECTS or if you lack the 30 ECTS in business, you can first enrol in a pre-semester to gain the necessary 30 ECTS. If your 180 ECTS include the 30 ECTS in business, then the missing 30 ECTS can be obtained through a semester abroad in your third semester. The whole master’s programme, with either the pre-semester or the semester abroad, will then take 4 semesters. Applicants who already have 210 ECTS including 30 ECTS in business can spend a semester abroad voluntarily.
For this English track master’s in international management programme, non-native speakers of English need to certify language skills on at least B2 level, according to the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). This can be certified by a German Abitur or any common language test, such as e.g. TOEFL or IELTS. Additional German skills are highly recommended for international students.
Bachelor’s degree with at least 180 ECTS, ideally 210 ECTS (missing credits can be acquired in a pre-semester)
German "Fachhochschulreife" or its equivalent
English skills on at least B2 level
690 Euro im Monat
Name: | Alexandra Golowin |
E-Mail: | alexandra.golowin@hdwm.org |
Web: | www.hdwm.de/studium/master/ma-business-management-en/ |